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STORY KARAOKE BAR - A temporary place to tell and listen to stories

Sophia Maria Keßen, Hanna Theresa Heitmann, Friedrich Greiling, Nora Vollmond, Billie Enders, Josef Panda, Anne Kraustengel

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29 June 2024 20:00–23:00
We invite you to the Story Karaoke Bar! Just like a real karaoke bar, but with collected stories from Neukölln, drinks and mics for everyone instead of songs. Together with our Tender Bartenders you can speak up, speak out and prick up your ears. Personal fables of empowerment combine with stories of happiness and misfortune, real everyday myths encounter funny misunderstandings, embarrassing plots compete with cheesy how-we-met-stories - perhaps consisting of only one sentence.

Don’t be shy and connect in storytelling!

The Story Karaoke Bar is a site-specific format in which guests speak or (re)tell the words and stories of another, previously interviewed person from Neukölln into a microphone and can thus trace the collective, representative and appropriative level of a story.

A staged encounter between a group of strangers develops into a collective exercise in listening and storytelling.


Sophia Maria Keßen, Hanna Theresa Heitmann, Friedrich Greiling, Nora Vollmond, Billie Enders, Josef Panda, Anne Kraustengel

Artistic direction, concept: Sophia Maria Keßen
Video: Hanna Theresa Heitmann
Stage Design: Stephanie Zurstegge
Music: Friedrich Greiling
Collaboration research, dramaturgy: Nora Vollmond
Tender Bartenders: Billie Enders, Sophia Maria Keßen, Anne Kraustengel, Nora Vollmond

Thanks to all story donors!

Sophia Maria Keßen:
In her work she incorporates karaoke, coincidence, drinks and amateurism as serious artistic means and works scenically, interactively and installatively. Sophia works in various variations with the directing team Turbo Pascal, the performance duo Kimberly Kaviar, the choreographer Simone Gisela Weber, the dramaturgist Felicitas Arnold and founded the performance duo DOPPELSPITZE together with Josef Panda in 2021.


Karl-Marx-Str. 141
Hinterhof / backyard
12043 Berlin

Heimathafen Neukölln


Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette