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I forgot how to speak to you

Marie Kruttli + Yuka Discipline

Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette
Fr., 28.06. 19:00 - 22:00 Uhr Sa., 29.06. 11:00 - 18:00 Uhr
“I forgot how to speak to you” is video installation inspired a music by a musician and producer Marie Kruttli and, visualized by a visual artist Yuka Discipline.

This project attempts to pursue the connection caused occasionally between individual immersive experience and urban social. In two videos, I embody the self-dialogue that occurs during the solitary immersion that exists in the group situations that can randomly form from time to time while living in an urban society. By projecting images perpendicularly onto a wall and a desk, the work depicts the immersive self-dialogue of individuals occurring in a group, each aiming in a different direction and occasionally intersecting. At the same time, each screen uses the communication mediated by the physical body that exists in the real world as a canvas, while the other screen shows interactions between the unreal and the imaginary world. We aim to engage the audience by highlighting the necessity of ‘’aloneness” to get immersive and recognize others on group social and, posing questions what connection works among them.

The situation in interpreting the introvese dialogue creates a moment but also eternal solitude for our thought. At the same time, by circulating the questions and answers within ourselves, we increase our inner activeness and independence, and the two aspects of solitude and provoked activeness bring humans one kind of state of ultimate neutrality. The deep self-immersion individually at social group occurs a silent communication with others and activating their sense as a nonverbal transmission device.

This is to propose an alternative perspective on connections with others in group social settings. It not only focuses on verbal exchanges with the people in front of you, but also creates a deep sense of immersion in which you consciously separate yourself from others and become the owner of your own sensations, creating resonant communication in a group society.


Marie Kruttli + Yuka Discipline

Marie Kruttli: Eine Schweizer Pianistin, Komponistin und Produzentin, die in Berlin lebt. Sie lernte zunächst klassische Musik und wechselte dann zum Jazz (später erwarb sie einen Bachelor und einen Master an den Akademien HEMU Lausanne und Hochschule Luzern). Die Band, mit der sie bisher am häufigsten aufgetreten ist, ist ihr Trio (jetzt mit Bassist Lukas Traxel und Schlagzeuger Gautier Garrigue)

Yuka Discipline: Ein Kunstprojekt von Yuka Kobayashi, einem bildenden Künstler mit Sitz in Tokio und Berlin. Kobayashi wurde in Tokio geboren und studierte Modedesign an der Bunka Gakuen-Universität in Tokio, Japan. Als Künstler hat Kobayashi eine multimediale Praxis entwickelt, die von Tinte auf Papier bis hin zu Malerei, Aquarell, digitaler Collage und mehr reicht.


Harzer Str. 39
12059 Berlin



+49 157 58246166


Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette