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AS@P Piano Fabrik

AS@P Piano Fabrik

Karl-Marx-Straße 58
12043 Berlin

The Artist Studios @ Program (AS@P) is a partnership between jury-curated artists and public places around Berlin. AS@P is mainly associated with the LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, & FLINT artists and creatives, working in various mediums.

With a growing demand for studio space in the city center and limited availability, AS@P solves the issue by partnering with hospitality, hard to lease public, and commercial spaces to provide affordable studio options for artists.

Since October 2020, AS@P is home to over 40 artists and has been a cultural hub in Kreuzberg & Neukölln through exhibitions, events, and open studios. Our goal is to convert underutilized spaces into usable studio spaces with the help of private & corporate sponsors and governmental agencies.

Events in this venue
