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Being part of the 48 Stunden Neukölln community and presenting your art to about 80,000 visitors as part of Berlin's biggest art festival is already cool. But we understand that getting financial support is even better! That's why we have two ways to get financial support.

Signal - Festival contribution with signal effect

Signals are festival contributions to the annual theme with a particularly strong external effect. They take place in public space. That means: directly on the street, in the park, on a roof or on the wall of a house. The possibilities are great and the projects shown here are particularly striking. Signals are funded by the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. 


up to €2,500

What is funded:

Artists* fees and materials

Art Space Lab - curated group exhibition

Art Space Labs are curated group exhibitions. Curators and artists jointly develop concepts on the festival theme and show their exhibitions during the festival weekend. They are mostly held indoors. 


up to 2.050 €

What is funded:    
up to four fees for artists á 300,00 €
One fee for coordination á 350 €
Material costs up to 500,00 €