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48 Stunden Neukölln takes place every year in June. But the preparations begin long before! Because: After the festival is before the festival!

So the work in the project is divided into different phases:

The Festival Theme

September - October

Every year in autumn the festival theme for the following year is published.
Together with Neukölln actors* from the fields of art, culture, science, architecture, drama, design and art education we choose the new theme in a workshop.

Application Phase

November - Beginning of January

In winter we open our application platform. Everyone who wants to can now apply with their own project idea for the festival theme. It is not a requirement to live in Neukölln or to have a venue at the time of application. Individual as well as group applications can be submitted.

Jury Phase

January - February

48 Stunden Neukölln is an art festival that offers everyone the opportunity to develop and express themselves artistically in Neukölln. There is room for all artistic expressions. However, the following basic criteria must be met:

The festival contributions need to relate to the theme of the year and no one may be discriminated against, insulted or hurt in any other way. Agitation, discrimination and prejudice have no place with us. Origin, gender, physical or mental impairments are not evaluation criteria for us, but facets of life. And we want to offer all these facets space to show themselves and Neukölln as they are: Diverse, open-minded, loud and sometimes quiet.

A jury supports us in this process. It reads all applications and checks whether our basic criteria are met.

On average, we receive between 300 and 600 applications every year. That's a lot of projects to read through! Since the jury looks at every single application, this phase takes an average of two months.

In March, all applicants are informed by e-mail whether their project idea has been selected.

Application Phase Open Formats

February - April

During this time all Neuköllner*innen can register with their spaces such as galleries, studios, co-working spaces or bars, with their offers as an open format.

Editorial and Approval Phase

Feb - March/April

After all applicants have been informed about the status of their application, there will be a two-week editorial phase in March. During this time, all participating artists finalize their application by creating their texts and images for the public 48 hours program.

Since we are a festival that takes place mostly in public space, permits are necessary. For this reason, we are in exchange with the responsible offices throughout April and apply for all necessary permits for the artists*.

Hot Phase

May - June

Now things are heating up. The remaining venues are connected and final details are discussed with the artists. And of course a lot more: printing orders, fire regulations, program preparation, opening planning, material distribution, coordination of the Connectors, press work and, and, and.

The Festival Weekend


Finally the time has come! A year of hard work, meetings and conversations with artists culminates in a weekend full of spectacular art projects. Neukölln becomes the Berlin epicenter of free art.


July - August

Let´s do it all again!

You can find the exact schedule here: