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  • Visual Art


Jaione Cerrato

28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 13:00–19:00 30 June 2024 13:00–18:00
"Assemblage" is a series of artworks that invite viewers to explore the interconnectedness of individual experiences within a collective framework. Through the arrangement of fragmented elements, this artwork creates moments and interpretations of silence as experienced by a group of individuals.

At the heart of the exhibit are a series of small handcrafted books. Each piece represents a visual narrative part of a larger fabric of shared silence. The assemblage technique employed here mirrors individual human experiences and comes together as fragments to form a collective expression.

As viewers engage with the artwork, they are encouraged to reflect on their own understanding of silence and its role in shaping communal identities. "Assemblage" prompts contemplation on how individual voices resonate within a collective consciousness, creating a shared experience.


Jaione Cerrato

Visual artist with a background in Graphic Design. Jaione combines her professional experience within different fields of Design and self-initiated projects. She is part of the collaboration duo Cerrato–Halls focused on the concept of value and its creation in contemporary society. Their multidisciplinary explorations aim to apply the potential inclusivity of art in helping inspire future paths forward for our society, by creating frameworks for audiences and participants to contribute.

She has collaborated with independent collectives and made contributions to a range of institutions to generate meaningful discussion. Some of these institutions include the Köln International School of Design (KISD), Baltan Laboratories, Akademie Schloss Solitude and the Royal College of Art.


Rollbergstr. 30
12053 Berlin

JaKuS gGmbH