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Untitled: Get away from noises and develop your own voices.

Corinna Gothe and Alexandria Anderson

28 June 2024 19:00 – 30 June 2024 19:00
There is a cacophony of light, sound and imposed decisions that surround the people of urban environments. We are lead through the city by visual, audial, internal and external, amongst countless other know and unknown noise sources. Traffic lights tell us when to move, honks and sirens make us stop, smells waft around, fashions, styles ebb and flow with urban and counterurban migrations. All the while advertisements appear on every paper cup, every store front, every t-shirt is telling us what it is we ought to want. Slowly but surely our own thoughts suffocate within this ocean of noises.
The chance, ability or desire to be alone in one‘s own thoughts within an urban environment is how `Untitled: Get away from noises and develop your own voices´ is discussing silence.
As part of the 48 stunden Neukölln 2024 theme on urban silence Corinna Gothe and Alexandria Anderson offer an interactive `muted´ exhibition allowing the observers to have some white space for breathing their own thoughts.
Silence is alikened to a blank canvas yet the canvas of nobody‘s lives is blank. Therefore a limited collection of color muted black and white paintings will be shown in the East Side Gallery, Weserstraße 11, with the support of the gallery owner Kani Alavi.
The scaffolding provided for the audience is the artwork produced in a bustling bit of Neukölln near Hermannplatz. The participants will be encouraged to provide their own titles to accompany the paintings they are drawn to. The project continues after the festival on the artists‘ website where the gathered submissions will be shared, as well as the artists‘ original titles.
If visitors then choose, of their own accord, to continue their research they might begin to see the sheer breadth of what other people have interpreted when they have seen `the same thing´. What is the silence we are optimizing for when defining noise?


Corinna Gothe and Alexandria Anderson

Alexandria Anderson was born in Alaska and grew up in the Rocky Mountain region of the USA. By day she is an experimental physicist specialising in lasers and optics, and by night she is a writer and visual artist.
Corinna Gothe grew up in Berlin. She is a trained depth psychology-based art and design therapist. Her imagination is unrivaled. In her playful depictions, the most frightening realities are transported with grace.
All the artworks shown were created together, by painting on the same canvas, usually at the same time. The artists give each other the space to freely change the image at any time until the work is completed. They have been painting together in Berlin Kreuzberg/Neukölln since 2017.


Weserstraße 11
12047 Berlin

East Side Gallery - Weserstraße 11
