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DIY - Routes

As an additional offer to our guided tour program, this year we are offering a wide variety of themed routes for download. Depending on your personal interests, you can select one or more routes and discover specific projects in the festival.

  • Literary Route

    Take a walk along the literary path of the 48 Hours Festival. Be attentive. Lend your ears and do not hesitate to freely interpret the stories of silence that appear here - in search of the one that speaks to you in your own language. 

  • Music Route

    The festival theme “Urban Silence” initially seems unreal in the context of Neukölln. Where can silence take place in Neukölln and how? Is it already there or can we invent it?

    The participating artists from the art field of music approach the topic from very different directions. Sound plays a central role here, which in this context enables very differentiated facets and ways of playing and always begins in silence. Without silence there is no sound, without light there is no dark.

  • Literary Route - Polish

    Wybierz się na spacer literacką ścieżką 48 Hours Festival. Bądź uważny. Nadstaw ucha i nie wahaj się swobodnie interpretować pojawiających się tu opowieści o ciszy - w poszukiwaniu tej, która przemówi do Ciebie w Twoim własnym języku.

  • Photographic Route

    Urban stillness photography offers a fascinating contrast to hectic city life. Photographers can convey a new perspective on urban landscapes by depicting quiet and deserted places in the middle of the big city. The absence of people and the quiet elements of the architecture enable a critical examination of themes such as loneliness and transience. At the same time, the depiction of urban silence can encourage deceleration and mindfulness by encouraging viewers to appreciate the beauty of small things. Urban stillness photography is thus a powerful means of exploring the complexity of urban landscapes and the human condition. 

  • Date Route

    Dates are a wonderful opportunity to get to know your own city (anew). In this moment - in the best case - everything stands still and you concentrate on the other person. With our route, art enthusiasts get their money's worth and can enjoy a cool drink in peace at any of the stops along the route. Urban silence but make it dateable.

  • Queer-feminist to go - East

    Have you already got to know the queer or feminist side of Neukölln? If not, you can embark on a journey of discovery on our two routes and experience different facets of the topic. If so, be sure to check out the art projects that were conceived from this perspective on the annual theme of "Urban Silence".

  • Queer-feminist to go - West

    Have you already got to know the queer or feminist side of Neukölln? If not, you can embark on a journey of discovery on our two routes and experience different facets of the topic. If so, be sure to check out the art projects that were conceived from this perspective on the annual theme of "Urban Silence".

  • Insta Route

    Social media is your second home and you love capturing aesthetic moments and sharing them with the world? Then we have something for you: Our Insta-route takes you to the most instagrammable exhibitions of this year's festival edition, because #sharingiscaring!  

  • Bike Route

    "When I ride my bike, the world is easy," sang Max Raabe knowingly. We have therefore put together a bike route for all fans of fresh air, exercise and day trips. You can use it to discover Neukölln and 6* exciting exhibitions at our festival in comfort on your bike. If you follow our route faithfully, you will mostly be riding on safer cycle paths.

  • Pure relaxation - Café Route West

    If you want to take it easy, this is the place for you. Stroll slowly through the Neukölln neighborhoods, enjoy a good coffee and discover a wide variety of art projects. 

  • Bar Route by Brandstifter

    In cooperation with the Berlin gin manufacturer Brandstifter, we have developed a route that combines art and enjoyment. All the venues along the route are bars where you can enjoy the exhibition with cocktail creations from Brandstifter.

  • Great caffeine addiction - Café Route Ost

    Take a relaxed stroll through the participating cafés with our route and enjoy exciting art projects over a good coffee.

  • Nature Path

    More of a nature hero than an art lover? We've put together a route for you that will prove you can combine the two. 

  • Of nightingales & skylarks

    Everyone knows the names of these birds, but who knows what they sound or look like? By the festival weekend, most of the birds will have retired to raise their young and it will be quieter. In order to draw attention to how many nightingales and skylarks we are surrounded by in the city, the work Nachtigall, ick hör dir trapsen (Nightingale, I hear you chirping) will guide visitors to an audio recording using a QR code wherever a real territory of a nightingale or skylark can be found

  • Tempelhofer Feld Route

    As part of 48 Stunden Neukölln, we invite visitors to pause on Tempelhofer Feld and discover five wonderful places. Along the Neukölln side, you can let your gaze wander and listen to the liveliness but also the urban silence of the field.