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Close encounters of the turd kind

Die Irrlichternden Narren

29 June 2024 19:00–20:00 29 June 2024 21:00–22:00
The city rushes, hums, and roars – a cacophonous soundtrack to each individual's film. But what remains when the urban noise subsides? What are the relics of our clamor, the remnants of the turbo-capitalist feast?

The silent and the mute, the secretive and the discarded, they resonate and reverberate. Mountains of waste throw echoes back into the consciousness of modern man – everything returns to the sender. With improvisation and delicate pieces, urban silence is made to resonate – what was once disposable, is now art.

From a distant dump, the scrap poet laments: He shouts out what is all too often silenced and ignored in our daily lives – from the loneliness of the bar warriors, to the neglect of the homeless, and the victims of the performance society, to the narcissism of the art world. When itches arise unpleasantly between the ears, they are sung about – trash doesn't fall far from the tree.


Die Irrlichternden Narren

Nils Minowitz, conceived and born in 1994, is a Berlin musician, proletarian poet, and self-proclaimed bathrobe hedonist. His works deal with urban mysticism and the identity of the ape in the zoo; the sound is often harsh and foreign, seeking beauty in the profane.

The Flickering Fools are a gang of musical outlaws. Since they polluted the holy water, they were raised from the font for this project. Unshaven, loud, and well-built, they are doomed to make music with Nils.


Kienitzer Str. 11
12053 Berlin

Polymedialer Ponyhof


0176 96 92 30 66