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Hello Silence, my old friend

Claudia tukadu Stepaniuk, Julia dafney Bühler, Markus walnut Becker

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00–21:00 29 June 2024 10:00–21:00 30 June 2024 10:00–19:00
What is the Unsaid, the Silenced, the Silent in us and the other?

In workshops during daytime and Fooling shows on the evenings you can experience what Fooling Theatre after Jonathan Kay is and can give us.

These workshops have a duration of 2 hours and we will guide you into different sides of Fooling. You will be trying out!


Claudia tukadu Stepaniuk, Julia dafney Bühler, Markus walnut Becker

The performers and workshop facilitators are berlin-based dedicated fools who are committed to the NOA, the Nomadic Academy for Fools. An international theatre network rooted in the art of fooling by the performer Jonathan Kay (UK) ( ).

The space will be held by: Claudia tukadu Stepaniuk ( @claudiatukadu ), Julia dafney Bühler ( @dafneydaphnedaff ) und Markus walnut Becker ( @afoolinberlin ) and those to join.


Schudomastr 32
12055 Berlin

Interkulturelles Theater Zentrum




Barrierefreier Zugang