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The Volume of Silence

Zine Verschenken

28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 13:00–16:00 30 June 2024 13:00–16:00
We see people walking, eating, shopping, drinking, all day in silence.
A series of short films that portray the silent observations that occur during these moments of urban silence in the city, accompanied by our zine edition, which shares stories and artworks of moments spent in urban silence in Berlin.


Zine Verschenken

We are Zine Verschenken, a non-profit Berlin-based FLINTA collective of writers and artists. Inspired by the 80's black and white zines published in Berlin, we create a free zine each month to keep some of Berlin's free art culture alive in this ever-changing city.


Treptower Str. 84
12059 Berlin

Kiezkiosk Open Tiny e.V.
