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Ricarda Brücke, Anisha Cornips, Thanassis Kalaitzis, Jörg Olvermann, Judith H. Strohm

Barrierefreier Zugang
29 June 2024 17:00–18:00
Life in Neukölln can be a hustle, bustle and hubbub. Various impressions - visual and auditory - reach us all at the same time. We might learn how to turn our gaze from things we recognize as unpleasant or annoying. But how do we manage not to listen? Unlike the eyes, the ear is an organ that cannot be closed. We can turn away, but the ambulance's siren, the barking dog of the neighbour and the fighting teens in front of the Späti will still be withing our perceptual field. What happens then, when we decide to use the sounds around us as GPS - a navigation device?

The writers' group MischMash decided to go on intuitive walks around Neukölln during which they only play it by ear. That does not mean that the writers will follow each and every single rustling sound or drumming noise. They are waiting for resonance to draw them into the right direction. Through listening the path unfolds. It is becoming an audissey through the streets of Neukölln.

Paradoxically the noise is leading them into stillness. For one thing they are no longer bound to automatic reactions to their environment and through the process they equally detach from the constant chatter of the mind and any plans or goals. Listening becomes a full body experience. This is how the MischMash-writers collect impressions and let themselves be impressed. They are able to access the poetry of the city and become true flaneurs in the sense of Walter Benjamin.

The walks become the inspiration for short stories - may it be a miniature, an anecdote or a sketch. These texts will be performed at the festival intervowen into a soundscape with the sounds collected on the streets of Neukölln.


Ricarda Brücke, Anisha Cornips, Thanassis Kalaitzis, Jörg Olvermann, Judith H. Strohm

MischMash is a collaborative writer's collective writing short stories quite distinctive in style, challenging your perception of the all-day everyday. Stories of Neukölln, Berlin and of wherever the wind blows. Connecting with different kind of media our production process varies as much as the readings we set up.


Altenbrakerstraße 26
Ecke Nogat-/Altenbrakerstraße
12051 Berlin

Fincan Neukölln


Barrierefreier Zugang