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  • Installation
  • Interdisciplinary Project

(A Tree Falls)


Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00 – 30 June 2024 19:00
(A Tree Falls) is an intimate sound project inviting you on a walk around the local area. How do we meet everyday environments in novel ways; quieting, rooting, and allowing the forces that make up our urban spaces to be unveiled. This immersive work acts as a narrative thread, folding in sounds collected from the local area including field recordings, ambient noise and site-reflective writing.

Self / Seed / Sparrow / Spider / Stranger / Shadow

Our worlds are created by these characters, among others, that compose the fabric of collective daily lives. In the webbed threads of cityhood, trails call us to encounter the many and the miniature, the odd and the ordinary.

This work is a call to listen, to look and to linger.

A set headphones and a smartphone with a working internet connection are required to access this project.



Laragh Conroy is an Irish artist based in Berlin. Her transdisciplinary practice is rooted in methods of gathering and focuses on questions of embodiment, attunement, memory and translation. Through performance, writing, sound and installation, her work addresses the delicate relationship between body and environment, examining how the two can be read through one other.


Nansenstraße, Berlin DE, Deutschland
12047 Berlin

Nansenstraße (Tree Roots)




Barrierefreier Zugang