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Zeynep Ada

Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette
28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 10:00–22:00
The sun shines, bringing shadows, then the wind brings clouds and then they pass, sometimes leaving rain. All forces playing by their own cycles.

What can you hear when you listen quietly on an island full of spirits that is never visited by people?
The locals told me that no one had ever entered the island. No one has ever taken a boat and sailed or swam over, and no one will. The island is a place for spirits, they said, a human life must not come too close. The thought captivated me: There is still a quiet place on earth where no one has been, an island just for nature and spirits. If I were a spirit on an island, cycling onwards, what stories would I tell? What messages would I try to get to the living, out there on the main island? Would I know my edges, where I began and where I end. Would I, too, like the island be a beautiful form?

An exact imitation of the island "Nosy Longo" in Madagascar was constructed in my home country, Turkey. The island was transported to Berlin, my hometown. Self-portraits were cast onto the island and filmed. This creates a collage and a multifaceted work of art, with which the artist can say exactly what she wants and the audience can understand everything they want.


Zeynep Ada

Zeynep Ada plays with many mediums, including photography, video art, theatre, poetry, audio art and visual arts. It is important for the artist to create special effects analog without digital help. The machines should only capture things and give space to chance and artistic intuition. The artist is inspired by the intricacies of the many cultures she encounters.

The title "ADA" is the artist’s middle name and means island in Turkish.


Karl-Marx-Straße 66
12043 Berlin

Neukölln Arcaden Raum rechts


Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette