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  • Visual Art

Construction site

Yu Park

Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette
28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 10:00–22:00
onstruction sites exist everywhere, in every country and every city, and they are maintained for a certain period of time. In addition, construction sites are a coexistence of people, on the road, day and night, conveniences and inconveniences. We perceive it as a cityscape and sometimes find it ugly or noisy
This topic started when I started to find it beautiful. At first glance, it looks like an unfinished building, but the construction site is embedded in the rules of the city. They follow strict rest periods and wrap themselves with fabric to block dust and maintain aesthetics. The tightly cantilevered steel structures and fabrics sway back and forth when the wind blows.
In this sense, construction sites are similar to people in that things created only out of necessity come together to form an aesthetic. I feel the urge to go in there


Yu Park

Yu Park is an artist born in Seoul, the capital of South Korea, in 1996. She studied at Kaywon University of Arts majoring in fine arts. She is currently based in Berlin. She represents not fictional stories, but people's real stories. Even amidst the indifference and selfishness of modern society, she wants to empathize with people's pain and sorrow. She feels that such pain and rebellion is the essence of true art. Moreover she doesn't just feel, she observes and thinks about why that emotion arises. They are mostly a function of social phenomena and sometimes arise from personal stories. She is a painter who expresses human life with persuasiveness.


Karl-Marx-Straße 66
12043 Berlin

Neukölln Arcaden Raum rechts


Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette