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  • Visual Art
  • Installation
  • Interdisciplinary Project

The book of silence

Friederike Linssen, Philipp Teereser

Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette
28 June 2024 19:00–20:15 29 June 2024 12:00–17:30 30 June 2024 12:00–17:30
In the city, it is almost never quiet. In KulturCafé on Friedelstraße, it might though be quite easy to experience inner silence over the course of the festival. Pictures of butterflies will be hanging all around the room, with oil paint on cotton and as collages made of dried petals. Since these animals first live as caterpillars, then pupate and are ultimately reborn as butterflies, they symbolize transformation. Most of the noises that they make are inaudible to us.
In the back room of the café on pillows, there will be an island of inner silence, where visitors can find peace for a moment with the help of head phones. Afterwards they can write or draw into the “Book of Silence” what they experienced, what was whispered to them and what inspired them. In addition, joint meditations will take place at the end of each day (Friday at 8.15 pm, Saturday and Sunday at 5.30 pm) to deepen the inner peace and silence.
For inspiration:
“In order to become aware of small, quiet things, you have to be calm inside. A high level of attention is required. Be quiet. Look. Listen. Be present."
Eckhart Tolle, internationally known author of spiritual books.
" … one must always carry a great silence within one, [...] even in the midst of all the hustle and bustle and in the midst of the most animated conversations …”
Etty Hillesum, the Dutsch Jewish writer, who was murdered in Auschwitz, in her wonderful diaries.


Friederike Linssen, Philipp Teereser

Friederike Linssen is a visual artist. She lives and works in Zeist (NL) and Berlin. She completed her art studies at the Minerva Academy in Groningen. In her drawings, lithographs and oil paint techniques she explores the subtle balance in nature. From an intuitive perception, she concentrates on the essence. Her works are predominantly monochrome and organic in structure.
Philipp Teereser is a radio author, sound installation and conceptual artist. He completed his studies in journalism, communication studies and philosophy at the FU Berlin and since then he has worked for 15 years in Kreuzberg as an investigative journalist and freelance artist. During this time, he has received various awards.


Friedelstrasse 28
12047 Berlin





Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette