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  • Visual Art
  • Interdisciplinary Project

The silence after sexual violence

Ulrike Tschackert & Frauenverband Courage e.V.

29 June 2024 12:00–18:00
Many people experience sexual violence over the course of their lives.
Most of them are silent.
There is silence in the room after a cruel act. A silence that must be broken!

My contribution is supported by women from the Frauenverband Courage e.V. The collaboration will include live painting.
In doing so, we want to artistically break the chains of women with their silence after sexual violence.

Unfortunately, the topic needs to be discussed a lot and has fortunately found space in the public eye. Domestic violence has increased since the Corona pandemic. Nobody should listen or look away!

With my contribution, I would like to contribute to ensuring that no one has to be ashamed of having become a victim of a sexual crime.
I would like to limit my group of people to women. Women who do not report the perpetrator after being raped. Out of shame and because there is often no prospect of the perpetrators being convicted.

The “no means no” principle still applies, even though women were often unable to defend themselves or not no! could say.
“Yes means yes” goes beyond the principle “no means no,” according to which an act of violence is only assumed if a victim has also expressed his or her rejection.

The demand “Yes means yes” has not yet made it into a legal text in the Federal Republic of Germany.
The reform of the EU criminal law in favor of women is being blocked by the federal government, among others.


Ulrike Tschackert & Frauenverband Courage e.V.

Ulrike Tschackert, Berlin, self-taught.


Mainzer Straße 7
Kulturraum M7
12053 Berlin-Neukölln

Kulturraum Mainzer7


030 27693069