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The four escalation levels of the ME through urban silence

Vincent Mühlenbeck

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00–23:59 29 June 2024 10:00–23:59 30 June 2024 10:00–19:00
My pictures trace "The four escalation stages of the Me through urban silence". It's almost as if I have the rhythm of the city inside me and need the "urban silence" for my artistic work: during the day I'm out and about on my skateboard, feeling the vibe of the city, soaking up its sounds and smells, meeting all kinds of people. But I need silence to paint. This is only possible when the city comes to rest. Here the turmoil in my head, which is triggered by the constant noise level of urban life, can dissolve. In my work „Nicht gut für Euch", the head of the figure depicted is inflated by the loud chaos. Suddenly he finds himself in urban silence, symbolized by the surrounding blue. What is Urban Silence doing with the head? It causes thoughts, even much of the being, to dissolve. The work "Farbe" is about the dissolution of being: it is represented by the contrast between the graphic half of the face and the painted half. For Urban Silence, the contours must dissolve completely until only the colorfulness (of urban life) remains. In Urban Silence, during my work process, my thoughts get so deeply lost that I sometimes forget that I am. In my work "Voll edgy", this dissolution is illustrated by the thread from comic-like expressionism to the wafting abstract. The urban silence does even more: I forget to eat, to drink - I almost no longer feel myself, I dissolve. It feels peaceful. My work "Dabei" shows what Urban Silence does to me: a part of me has dissolved into Urban Silence. The Urban Silence now belongs to me. The blurred contours, dissolved lines and shapes are now part of myself. An aura of light blue, golden calm surrounds me. I am with myself. Being present in urbanity also has a price in its silence: exhaustion, symbolized in the eye, is also "present".


Vincent Mühlenbeck

With his powerful, expressive paintings, 19-year-old Vincent Mühlenbeck is a new talent on the German art scene. In addition to several group exhibitions at the Kunsthalle Niendorf, the Jupiter-Kunsthaus and addart in Hamburg, as well as at the "Nachtbrötchen" gallery in Roermond/Netherlands, the up-and-coming artist celebrated a groundbreaking success with his solo exhibition at the Düsseldorf gallery "Part2Gallery" in August 2023. "It's quite unusual for such a young artist to be signed," reports gallery owner André Schnaudt from "Part2Gallery", "we saw his work and were thrilled: Vincent's extraordinary talent jumps out at you!"


Weisestrasse 40
12049 Berlin

Random Walk Action Store




Barrierefreier Zugang