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  • Performance Art

Electromagnetical Miniatures

Johann Bärenklau

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 21:15–22:00 29 June 2024 21:00–21:45 30 June 2024 18:15–19:00
A sound performance that explores the theme of supposed urban silence through a sound-artistic interpretation. The instruments include analog synthesizers, feedback loops and (electromagnetic) field recordings. The project aims to make the resonances of urban space audible. The recordings and loops form a fixed basic structure, but are broken up by improvisations with analog synthesizers, so that a new piece is created with each performance. The running time is 43:30 minutes (wink).


Johann Bärenklau

Johann Bärenklau, born 1999 in Friedrichroda, grew up in Eisenach. Studied Fine Arts in Dresden since 2018, from 2019 to 2021 under Prof. Wilhelm Mundt, since 2021 at the HGB Leipzig, since 2022 under Prof. Clemens von Wedemeyer and Dr. Mareike Bernien. Since 2018 artistic practice with a focus on graphics, book art and sound. Various projects and project participations in Aarau, Berlin, Dresden, Leipzig, Genoa, Paris and Riga, among others.


Am Südhaus
12053 Berlin





Barrierefreier Zugang