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Antonia Jungwirth, Fiona Schiffer

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00–23:59 29 June 2024 16:00–23:59 30 June 2024 16:00–18:59
We share meals, sunsets, parties. We get in touch with little hearts and scroll through the present and the past, causing the time zones to become unstable: digital time and life time, digital time and experienced time. What if we are not in the now? Where are we actually? What if our own feed seeps away and we miss out on feeding our own present? Mediation apps are designed to help us combat the constant "inner chatter" and ensure calm. Contact with nature is also advisable.

The poetic video installation ES IST HALT EIN RISKANTER SEILTANZ blurs the boundaries between the individual and the environment, language and moving image. The fictional character ME serves as the central link between reality and abstract vanishing points.

ME is a prototype of the seeker, struggling to find their place in a world of meaniglessness and sensory overload. Playfulness and naivety become guiding principles, green spaces disguise themselves as nature, and a hint of loneliness always resonates in the pink plush outfit.


Antonia Jungwirth, Fiona Schiffer

Antonia lives in Berlin and Frankfurt a.M. She is an actress and performance artist (e.g. Thalia Theater HH, Staatstheater Mainz, Theaterperipherie Frankfurt). She is also a curator at the German Film Institute & Film Museum and doctoral candidate at the Graduate Center for the Study of Culture.
Fiona is a media and cultural scientist and lives in Berlin. She works in press and public relations at the Haus für Poesie. Both her academic and artistic interests lie in the relationship between mediality, the body and gender. In 2017, she showed the poetic video work ZIEH DEN GALETINEANZUG AN, BABY, HEUTE GIBT ES GUMMIBÄREN OHNE BEILAGE in Berlin.


Weisestr/ Ecke Okerstr.
12049 Berlin

Frollein Langner




Barrierefreier Zugang