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Secret Lending Library

Anna Benner, Theresa Grieben, Robin Davey, Eluned Zoe Aiano

28 June 2024 19:00–23:59 29 June 2024 15:00–21:00
Shhhhhh! Quiet in the library!
For 48 hours, graumalerei gallery will turn into a library welcoming you.

Shhh! Can you keep a secret?
Our library will not house books. It will instead be a place for the storing, categorising, reading and borrowing of secrets. Secrets because they require silence as well. In our library we will let people borrow other people’s secrets and in turn lend their own secrets to strangers. The task of the secret keeper’s silence is lifted and the heavy burden of the secret is stored with someone else, erasing the need to be quiet.

Pssst! Wanna know how the library operates?
The walls of our gallery will be filled with specially designed postcards, each of which has a secret written on the back. When you visit you can check out a secret from the librarian, but in turn you have to leave your own secret to be lent out, anonymously of course.

Hmmm. What kind of secrets are there?
The main categories are fiction, non-fiction and children’s. Subcategories will be added as necessary and depending on the secret: crime, romance, food, travel etc. You’re welcome to ask the librarian for a recommendation.

… What else is going on?
Besides the collaborative interactive installation that is the library we will also show several individual artworks relating to the festival theme:
– “Silent buildings of Berlin” by Theresa Grieben: a live panoramic hand drawing performance throughout the weekend
– “Im Auge der Betrachterin” Anna Benner & Eluned Zoe Aiano: a participatory documentary project about women reclaiming city spaces at night
– “Invisible Visible Woman” Anna Benner & Eluned Zoe Aiano: a nocturnal feminist performance of women in reflective clothing being performatively silent but highly visible
– “Stille Post” Robin Davey: an installation of an infinite cycle of sharing secrets in animated form…


Anna Benner, Theresa Grieben, Robin Davey, Eluned Zoe Aiano

Anna Benner is an artist working across animation and installation. Her animated short films have screened and won a few prizes at festivals worldwide.

Theresa Grieben is an illustration artist from Berlin. Her typical style are black and white, linear drawings, which she turns into gigantic panoramas. She always carries a sketchbook with her and loves to observe her urban surroundings.

Robin Davey is a British illustrator, animator, and director based in Berlin, Germany. Robin’s work combines geometric precision with bold colour and playfully exaggerated forms.

Eluned Zoe Aiano is a filmmaker, video editor and translator with a background in Visual Anthropology whose work is often centred on Central/Eastern Europe.


Reuterstr 82
12053 Berlin
