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h2o berlin

Mija Jung

Barrierefreier Zugang
29 June 2024 12:00–19:00 30 June 2024 12:00–19:00
Please come to the exhibition at h2o berlin.

We will have an installation that consists of expanded paintings.

Their abstract paintings of internal body parts in comparison to natural disasters, create architectural spaces through various displays to empower the observers. The observers can touch, move and rearrange the paintings. The abstraction of disoriented brains, veins and organs are compared to city environmental pollution. They reinterpret colors as a protagonist to overcome personal issues of pain, discomfort, and gender struggles. The painted blankets, grids, capes and curtains through various scales of painting create surfaces that look like architecture. They display the pieces back to back to fill the wall like wallpaper. Floor pieces are like tiles or puzzles on a grid, or over a body as gender fluid. Self healing through touching of the paintings by covering and re-stacking challenges the conventional role of painting, not only as an artifact but also as therapy.


Mija Jung

Mija Jung is an interdisciplinary painter based in New York and Berlin. Their color abstractions through the constructed spaces empower gender fluid equality. Mija achieved an MFA and BFA in painting, Hongik University also an MFA from Rutgers University. Mija won the Visual Art Award from AHLFoundation, CityCorpsGrant, NY, the EllisElizabethAward, NJ and the MBCGrandArtAward, Seoul and TaktResidency, Berlin. They exhibited at C24, AHL, Yards, theNewYorkArtsCenter, RobertMiller Gallery and SocratesSculpturePark, NY; Hyundai and Kwanhoon Gallery, Seoul; KleineHumboldtGalerie, GalerieNord and AtelierhofKreuzberg, Berlin to name a few.


Lichtenrader strasse 17A
Ground Floor
12049 Berlin

h2o berlin




Barrierefreier Zugang