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The Inner Voice of Sound

Asaf Erdemli

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00 – 30 June 2024 19:00
The city has become the natural environment of the urban dweller. We, who now exist in our natural environment with our voices, are squeezed between our own silence and the sound of the city.
Each city creates its own voice and makes it part of its identity. We become a part of this identity with our voices.
While we think that we get away from the sound of the city by wearing our headphones, we know that everything we see imaginatively also contains a sound. This visual information shows that there is an unbreakable link between our own silence and the sound identity of the city.
Somewhere in the city, the urbanite encounters a technological object made of cork, a natural sound absorbing and insulating material. This sculpture, which is the visual form of sound and silence, creates a new public space by attracting us to itself, just as the sounds of the city unconsciously move us around the city.


Asaf Erdemli

Asaf Erdemli was born in Turkey in 1977 and graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts - Department of Sculpture - in 2007 with first-class honors.
In 2007, Asaf Erdemli began his professional sculpture work in Istanbul. In 2013, he founded his own studio in Ankara and continues the creative process of his works in his studio in Ankara.
The artworks of the artist, who has participated in many international group exhibitions and art fairs, have also been exhibited at important international events such as the Louvre International Art Exhibition at the Louvre Museum in Paris (2017).
Asaf Erdemli, who is also a performance artist, worked as a professional dancer and choreographer in a dance theater and a dance troupe for people with disabilities between 1998 and 2008.


Treptower Straße 39
12059 Berlin

Berliner Berg Brauerei




Barrierefreier Zugang