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  • Film & Video
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  • Interdisciplinary Project

Intimate Echoes: A Symphony of Urban Lives in 10 Seconds by Kintu Studio and Prak Piakot

Kintu Studio and Prak Piakot

Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette
28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 10:00–22:00
In the dynamic landscape of urban life, the cloak of anonymity often fosters personal growth while simultaneously breeding isolation. Within the vastness of a metropolis, a collective consciousness can be elusive. Do we not share common needs? Is there not a collective yearning for a vibrant social tapestry woven within our neighborhoods? Can we strike a balance between healthy detachment from the outside world and meaningful connection?

These contemplations, centered on the potential replacement of physical gatherings and public spaces by their digital counterparts, fueled the inspiration behind our installation. We grapple with the question: do we desire such a transformation?

The essence of our installation lies in a symphony of 10-second recordings, each capturing glimpses of diverse individuals within the sanctuaries of their homes. These recordings showcase objects received from Kintu Studio, providing a window into how these objects seamlessly integrate into their living spaces. Through strategic placement of background sounds within the exhibition space and a collage-like arrangement of the video material, we craft a cohesive narrative that explores both the shared and distinctive aspects of urban intimacy.

Our aspiration is to foster a collective recognition of commonalities, such as shared approaches to interior design, with the aim of nurturing a sense of community and belonging among all viewers. The deliberate act of sharing one's intimacy, encapsulated in the 10-second shots, serves as a bridge connecting the individual to the collective viewer, inviting a shared experience and a shared sense of humanity.

In the dynamic landscape of urban life, the cloak of anonymity often fosters personal growth while simultaneously breeding isolation. Within the vastness of a metropolis, a collective consciousness can be elusive. Do we not share common needs? Is there not a collective yearning for a vibrant social tapestry woven within our neighborhoods?


Kintu Studio and Prak Piakot

Prak Piakot, a Berlin-based product designer blends creative ideas into functional realities. Influenced by collaborations with renowned designers during his academic journey, he's known for seamlessly integrating spatial and visual design. With a focus on solving complex design dilemmas, Prak has operated his design studio since 2019, collaborating with freelancers and agencies as needed.

Sylwia Cylwik, founder and curator of Kintu Studio, began her creative journey in makeup artistry, working in Rio de Janeiro and Barcelona. Early in her career in Lisbon, she collaborated with diverse fashion professionals and artisans, sparking a deep interest in the interplay of objects, shapes, and materials.


Karl-Marx-Straße 66
12043 Berlin

Neukölln Arcaden Room links


Barrierefreier Zugang Barrierefreie Toilette