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Beyond the light: - Passage of forgotten souls


Barrierefreier Zugang
29 June 2024 18:00–22:00 30 June 2024 16:00–19:00
A light, sound and VR installation amidst the contrasts of Neukölln. On the pulsating Karl-Marx-Straße, the passage becomes a place of connection between worlds: between the social contrasts, the hustle and bustle of job seekers, the galleries and cultural venues and the Neukölln opera house, the busy main street and the Bohemian village, between rushed and determined passers-by and forgotten and invisible fates.

Visible from the outside: the passage is bathed in colored light, inviting us to pause for a moment, to remember the people and personalities who have no place in the hustle and bustle of life, or who have found no place and are invisible.

What follows is a cinematic dance of images, figures and things that stand for forgotten lives. It is accompanied by meditative archaic sounds, gongs, sound objects and Japanese drums.

At first, this dance remains hidden. These impressions can be experienced while walking through the passage with VR glasses, which can be borrowed on site, as well as some headphones. The VR installation uses images, symbols and sounds to tell stories and thoughts that often get lost in the noise of the big city. I work with the aesthetics of silent film and create moments of quietness.

Passers-by are invited to lay flowers and wreaths at the edge of the passage. There are texts describing the idea in more detail, as well as fictional biographies based on true events.

The project invites people to look for the causes of isolation and invisibility without quick explanations or apportioning blame and to include their own part in the process.

Technology: You can use your own cell phone or headphones, you can borrow VR Google Cardboard glasses and the necessary QR codes are offered on site, as well as a small number of cell phones and headphones for a deposit.



Simono lives and works in her studio for audiovisual media and laser cutting in Neukölln.

Her themes are movement, dance, anatomical studies and objects, temporary installations with signs and symbols in public space. She also explores the relationship between rhythm and flow in audiovisual projects and plays with acoustic coding.

Her techniques include drawing, audio, video, laser cutting and engraving.
She is currently entering into a dialog with earlier works, in particular Super 8 silent film, drawing and anatomical representations, in order to reinvent herself from her creative roots.

1982-86 Visual Communication, HdK/UdK Berlin, 1996-98, Super-8 installations "Infinite Dance Sequences", Taiko since 2018, multiple, partly funded participation in 48h NK.


Karl-Marx-Straße 131,
12043 Berlin

Passage Berlin


Barrierefreier Zugang