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Pixel insecurities

Dennis Pahl

28 June 2024 19:00–21:00 29 June 2024 15:00–20:00 30 June 2024 14:00–17:00
A fascinating journey through the world of digital blurs, vulnerable landscapes and manipulated creatures. Dennis Pahl's new paintings encourage us to explore the boundaries between reality and virtuality and to discover the beauty in the imperfect.
The past, present and future are out of joint and colorful pixel orgies are the harbingers of total simulation.
Pixel insecurities are more than just technical errors - they are a reflection of our times, inviting us to reflect on the complexity and fragility of our real and digital existence. Have fun diving into the digital uncertainty.


Dennis Pahl

In his work, Dennis Pahl deals with the blurring of the digital and analog worlds and their nuances. Painting is his main medium into which he repeatedly incorporates collage elements. He always works on various images at the same time and explores all analog and digital technical possibilities in order to achieve a result.
Pahl has been rooted in Neukölln since 2008 and is one of the founders of the Kolla.Berlin label, which offers a mix of fashion design and art - all made by himself in the studio in Reuterkiez.


Bürknerstr. 11
EG rechts
12047 Berlin

