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riXXperimentelles Stillleben

Cornelia Bördlein, Uwe Bressnik, Jana Debrodt, Silvia Lorenz, Peter Müller, Margund Smolka und Eva AM Winnersbach

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 10:00–22:00 30 June 2024 10:00–19:00
Restlessness to calm, movement to standstill - riXXperiment explores relationships and enlivens the "quiet" park area of Weichselplatz with the inanimate.
The genre of still life, which had its heyday in 17th century painting and depicted inanimate, still material with a focus on composition and symbolism, is the visual starting point for the artists' joint exploration. Site-specific, temporary riXXperimental still lifes in the form of installations and interventions will be created on and around the park's rondel.


Cornelia Bördlein, Uwe Bressnik, Jana Debrodt, Silvia Lorenz, Peter Müller, Margund Smolka und Eva AM Winnersbach

Cornelia Bördlein, Peter Müller and Eva AM Winnersbach have been working together in various constellations within the group riXXperiment since 2012. The focus of riXXperiment is the artistic-collective treatment of a theme and/or location.
Individual and group projects have been created in Neukölln for over 10 years, many of them on Richardplatz (including Hotel Rix, Biotop-Utopia). But Herrfurthplatz (refresh), the Landwehrkanal (bubbles) and Schloss Britz (Das ist doch ein Kinderspiel...) have also been places of artistic exploration.
The artists Uwe Bressnik, Jana Debrodt, Silvia Lorenz and Margund Smolka have been invited to the Weichselpark for urban silence in order to develop 48-hour contributions for the site together.


12045 Berlin

Parkanlage des Weichselplatzes


Barrierefreier Zugang