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  • Visual Art
  • Installation

The empty Plethora

Laila Rosato

Barrierefreier Zugang
28 June 2024 19:00 – 30 June 2024 19:00
The city is examined in a vacuum. In a physical and acoustic void. This urban space is reawakened by air, wind and the associated soundscapes. We experience this transition between the empty, silent space and the full, noisy, urban space as a field of tension in a limited microcosm. Absence is not only a metaphor for emptiness, but also a filling force and serves as a driving impulse. Inanimate bodies are activated and thus become participants in the action, transforming them from object to subject.


Laila Rosato

Laila Rosato is a stage designer and finds her work most exciting when she can actively participate in the content and dramaturgical process of the piece. As a co-creator, she designs performances in which she answers far more than just aesthetic questions. Born in Barcelona, she studied stage and costume design before moving to Germany in 2011. Her work includes film, theatre and dance productions as well as art installations. She has worked with Kat Válastur, Enrico Ticconi & Ginevra Panzetti and Verena Kutschera, among others. She has collaborated with Clara Gracia in Berlin and Pau Masaló in Barcelona for many years. She now develops her own projects.


Treptower Straße 39
12059 Berlin

Berliner Berg Brauerei




Barrierefreier Zugang