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  • Photography
  • Installation
  • Digital Art

Urban Column


28 June 2024 19:00 – 30 June 2024 19:00
My work is interested in reappreciating an ordinary urban object through a sound approach by revealing the musicality of each object. This work combines the sound that identifies the urban object with its photographic representation.

I see urban space as complex, at the crossroads of multiple trajectories, where sudden interventions, motorised spurts and obstructions to horizons take on a parasitic character.

I find a kind of refuge in instrumentalising the signposts, barriers and other urban furniture that mark out my route by 'striking' them. The sound generated by the manual percussion of these hollow verticalities reveals them as sound totems, vertical gongs, beacons of peace, competing with the burying complexity of the urban.

These sound objects suggest a phonic horizon in the manner of the sacred musical pillars found in certain Indian temples (Hampi, Vitthala, etc.) or the spiritual and meditative sounds associated with gongs or bells.
This simplicity of sound takes on its full scope and poetic dimension in this confused and abundant environment.

The print was made using the albumen salted paper process dating from the mid-19th century. By its original and rudimentary nature, it echoes my approach of re-preciating the ordinary object by associating it with one of the first forms of photographic writing.



After studying photography in Paris, I discovered a real interest in alternative processes and in the plastic notion of the photographic image.

I place myself on the edge of 'academic' photographic practice, using different media with the aim of reappreciating the evidence, the object of the ordinary.

This backwards posture drives my interest in the slow, the silent or the obscure, which persists in some places. I strive to flush out these corners of contemplation, these cracks, these refuges, vital for the balance of Being, the improvement of our condition.


Boppstrasse 7
10967 Berlin

