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Vacarme en nature morte & Liminal (F)ears

Mücke, Brancowitsch / N.o.kel

Barrierefreie Toilette
28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 17:00–22:00 30 June 2024 17:00–19:00
Vacarme en nature morte:
Paris. The city of lights. The city of life. The city of noise. But also the city of silence and void for those who not only see her picturecard face at daylight. Mücke lives this contrast in her daily life and catches it in photos and videos. She shows the version of Paris otherwise only seen by those who keep up the picturecard experience.

Liminal (F)ears:
Creepy after hour garden sound experience in hedonopolis. A Video installation by N.o.kel/Brancowitsch.


Mücke, Brancowitsch / N.o.kel

Mücke has been roaming the streets of the french capital with her camera since 2023. This is her first photographic and video exhibition.

Brancowitsch/N.o.kel have developed their musician/artist cooperation since 2017. All available receptors set ablaze. Trademarked by interactive art with poems on 4/4, what we call situacticals. We developed quite an array of video installations, some of which also featured at 48h NK. Doesn´t it always feel like you finally understood and then you stray away again ?


Richardstr. 100
12043 Berlin

Café Botanico




Barrierefreie Toilette