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Linus Muellerschoen

28 June 2024 19:00–22:00 29 June 2024 12:00–22:00 30 June 2024 12:00–19:00
The construction of this skyscraper stands as a testament to human ambition and the relentless surge of urban development. Yet, it also provokes poignant questions about identity, community, and the costs of progress. This towering structure of metal and glass, now a defining feature of Neukölln's skyline, catalyzes a profound metamorphosis sweeping through our neighborhood. Historically, the "obelisk" symbolizes power and permanence; here, it serves as an invitation - to reflect on the forces that shape our cities and our lives , to spark discussion on the paths we choose to take.


Linus Muellerschoen

Linus Muellerschoen was born in Munich, Germany in 1988 and grew up in California. After returning to Germany he completed his first degree in Neuroscience and Psychology in Scotland, before moving to Berlin in 2014 to begin studying at the Ostkreuzschule für Fotografie. He completed his degree there in 2018. His work touches on the themes of identity, “Heimat” and the human environment and he regularly exhibits in Germany and publishes his work in a variety of media.


Karl-Marx-Straße 95
12043 Berlin



+49 30 549 823 28