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  • Performance Art

Interpersonal silence

Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz

28 June 2024 21:00–21:45 29 June 2024 21:00–21:45
The performance "Zwischenmenschlich verstummt" invites viewers to immerse themselves in the world of urban silence and see the urban jungle with new eyes. The audience is invited to an interactive experience in which the boundaries between people and their surroundings become blurred.
The performance takes place in a large-scale, temporary space that reflects the hustle and bustle and volume of the city. The space is designed with different textures, colors and visual elements to create an immersive experience. The audience enters this space and is surrounded by a soundscape consisting of everyday sounds of the city: Cars, conversations, music, machines.
Suddenly, the soundscape breaks off and silence sets in. Viewers are invited to confront their own silence. In the midst of this urban silence, the performer slowly begins to appear. He moves almost like a shadow and merges with the space. His movements are fluid and multidirectional, as if merging with the invisible lines of the urban tangle.
The entire performance lasts around 45 minutes and ends with a phase of emergence. The performer returns to the background and the sounds of the city slowly begin to resume, as if the audience is returning to the reality of the urban jungle. The performance "Zwischenmenschlich verstummt" is intended to encourage viewers to take a fresh look at their relationship with the urban environment. By entering into silence and merging with the surrounding space, they are invited to explore their own human instincts and survival in the urban wilderness. This interactive experience opens the space for reflection and raises questions about our relationship to silence and the city.
Music composed by Joanna Waluszko.


Krzysztof Leon Dziemaszkiewicz

Krzysztof "Leon" Dziemaszkiewicz is a Polish performer, choreographer, dancer and creator of objects and spatial forms.


Karl-Marx-Straße 95
12043 Berlin



+49 30 549 823 28